Gary Cooper Sifu : INSTRUCTOR OF THE YEAR 2009
Gary Gooper Sifu has been a long standing student of the UK Wing Chun Assoc. He trained for a number of years in the early 1990’s and returned after a few years break.
Gary is a keen grappler entering a number of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and Sombo competitions.
Gary is a popular member and takes the classes on Wednesday evenings at the National HQ.
Gary Cooper Sifu travelled to Hong Kong where he demonstrated his skills in front of many Masters at the 2nd Ving Tsun Atheletic Association World Conference. He has since been accepted as a lifetime member and recognised as a Sifu by the VTAA.
Gary Cooper Sifu passed He passed his third level grading.
Gary Cooper Sifu won 2nd Place in the prestigious ‘2006 Instructor of the Year’ awards.
Gary Cooper Sifu won the Instructor of the Year Award.
Gary Cooper Sifu succeeded in getting one of his students through the Siu Nim Tao gradings and has now been recognised as a Sifu by the UKWCKFA. He was awarded his certificate at the 25th Anniversary celebration where he was a major part of the demonstration team.
Sifu Gary has always been a consistently hard trainer and is respected for the hard work he puts into coaching every student under his tutelage. Sifu Gary cover the classes in James Sinclair’s absence.
L-R Sifu Paul Spencer, Sifu Mark Solomons, Master Eric Wilson, Sifu Gary Cooper, Sifu Ashley Phillips
Gary Cooper Sifu has always trained hard and realised early on that the key to his success was hard work. gary emphasises this ethic of hard work in al the classes that he conducts.
If you are a beginner to Wing Chun Gary Cooper Sifu is a great coach. He is patient and will support you to the very best of his ability. This unwavering support is much appreciated by the Assoc, as Gary will cover a class if James Sinclair is absent.
Sifu gary Cooper is also a proficient grappler and BJJ practitioner. In 2004 the UKWCKFA students, under the guidance of Lee Catling entered a competition against a team called Elite from the very popular Cage Rage fight camp. Our students had little experience but very sold basics and entered their first completion. in the clip below Sifu gary Cooper is competing against a far more experienced ground fighter.
Sifu Gary Cooper is a senior instructor at the U Wing Chun Kung Fu Asso. National HQ in Rayleigh Essex. Experienced in Wing Chun, Grappling and Taekwondo he has a lot to offer those who are serious about martial arts.
Sifu Gary Cooper Teaches and trains at the UK Wing Chun Assoc. Hq in Rayleigh Essex.
Wing Chun Pole training is a large part of the advanced syllabus within the UKWCKFA
Sifu Gary Cooper Teaches and trains at the UK Wing Chun Assoc. Hq in Rayleigh Essex.
L-R Sifu Paul Spencer, Sifu Mark Solomons, Master Eric Wilson, Sifu Gary Cooper, Sifu Ashley Phillips
L-R Sifu Paul Spencer, Sifu Mark Solomons, Master Eric Wilson, Sifu Gary Cooper, Sifu Ashley Phillips
The UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirts are V-Neck in polyester and are perfectly designed for Wing Chun Kung Fu training, particularly in Chi Sau.
Sifu Gary Cooper Teaches and trains at the UK Wing Chun Assoc. Hq in Rayleigh Essex.
Gary Cooper Sifu Teacher at the prestigeous UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. National HQ un Rayleigh, Essex.
Gary Cooper Sifu Teacher at the prestigeous UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. National HQ un Rayleigh, Essex.
Gary Cooper Sifu Teacher at the prestigeous UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. National HQ un Rayleigh, Essex.
Gary Cooper Sifu Teacher at the prestigeous UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. National HQ un Rayleigh, Essex.
Gary Cooper Sifu Teacher at the prestigeous UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. National HQ un Rayleigh, Essex.