"The secret! What Secret? It Is just Practice."
Starting Wing Chun, or any Martial Art for that matter, can be a daunting thought. Most people believe they will have to be super fit and very tough to start. Fortunately, they could not be further from the truth.
Our Beginners Wing Chun Classes Rayleigh Essex have been developed over the last 30 years. These classes are designed to allow virtually any person feel comfortable, and make good progress.
Welcome to our dedicated Beginners Wing Chun Classes Rayleigh Essex. In this class you are introduced to the simple but highly effective theories of the Wing Chun Kung Fu system.
Beginners classes have no prerequisites all we ask is an inquisitive mind and enthusiasm. Don’t worry about your level of fitness, wee will guide you in a progressive manner that suits your requirements. You do not need previous martial art experience.
We guide you along your journey using over 30 years of professional experience.
We use the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. long established syllabus. You will learn the skill that have made Wing Chun Kung Fu one of the most popular Chinese Martial Arts ever. The Art immortalised by the late, great Bruce Lee and his Teacher Ip Man is available to you now.
It is not a simple coincidence that so many movies have been made about this beautiful and rewarding Art.
The Rayleigh School is privileged to have Master James Sinclair who first met and trained with Grandmaster Ip Man’s son, Grandmaster Ip Chun in 1981.
At the beginners Wing Chun Classes Rayleigh Essex we focus your training from the very first lesson.
Building a solid understanding of self-defence scenarios we ensure that YOU will have the skills and ability to feel confident in confrontational situations. We teach you to how to overcome, not only the physical, but also the psychological barriers involved in effective Self-Defence.
Wing Chun Kung Fu is a highly practical and intellectual system.
Basic concepts of Wing Chun Kung Fu covered are the
SNT Grading
Standing: Kevin Cutts. Roy Butcher, John Middleton, Bohpinder Jossen. Lewis Godier, Alban McLawrence, Vladimir.Piatkin, Phil Shankster John Lodge, Paul Bates, Robert Millo
Kneeling: Gill Paskins, Luke Hillier, Luke Bevan
Finally, these topics are taught in great detail leading you to be fully prepared to take our Preliminary Grading.
The grading requires students to demonstrate a good understanding and ability in practical self-defence techniques as well as striking and footwork skills. We firmly believe that this can be reached within a 4-5 month period of dedicated training and practice, alongside expert tuition.
Alternatively, some people are unable to attend mainstream classes or would simply prefer the convenience and privacy of one on one training.
We offer private lessons at times that suit your lifestyle, and at prices that you can afford.
Private lessons can prove a great way to learn the art. You will be experiencing the UK’s best Wing Chun teachers one to one.
Contact the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. TODAY to discuss your interest and we will do everything we can to accommodate your enquiry.